Bill McKinney's
Secrets to Gaining Extra Power
A Little Goes a Long Way

This booklet will help you get the "Extra Power" that may be currently lacking in your game. The good news is that by simply following some of these easy muscle toning tips, you can quickly DOUBLE the amount of raw power generated during the golf swing. Your swing will suddenly be more powerful and look and feel more natural.

Keeping a Strong Back

Stretching the back is something dog and cats to every time they start moving from a long term stationary position. Learn from them. Back bending (fig. 1) is one of the most beneficial moves you can do for yourself. It stretches the core muscles of your abdomen while flexing the muscles of the lower and middle back (which happens all too infrequently). Since this is an over exaggeration of what happens during impact and follow through, this simple exercise will help protect your back. Do this as a pre-round warm up and after any long term sitting. Remember that when your muscles are limber they're much more ready to activate upon a moment's notice. This naturally adds a tremendous amount of power to your swing simply because you can move more easily through the shot. More smoothly. Tense muscles on the other hand often result to short halting swings with little or no power.

The "Modified Dog Stretch" (Fig. 2) stretches the large muscles of the lower back, helping keep good blood flow to the lower back and allowing the muscles more flexibility.

Keep in mind that these exercises are meant to be simple and gentle. Get a good stretch, but don't take it go the point where you are experiencing pain. Take your time, especially if you are currently out of shape and haven't done much stretching or exercising recently.

Try to perform these exercises often, each time you prepare to tee off, or after sitting for an extended time for example. It wont take long before you discover how dramatically your flexibility has improved and how much more power you're able to generate from during the swing.

The Torso Twist

When it comes to playing golf, all golfers know how important it is to be able to twist your torso for hitting powerful shots. Extend one foot forward (Fig. 3) then club as a crutch so you can get a good stretch without having to worry about holding your balance.

The Wrist/Elbow/Shoulder Stretch

I like this exercise because it prepares the entire throwing muscles in the shoulder, wrist and elbow. I show this at two different angles (Fig. 4). The idea is to cross one arm over the other, tucking the underside of the upper arm into the crux of the opposite elbow. Try to touch hands. You will feel a good stretch through your shoulders, elbow and wrist at the same time.

It may be difficult at first. If you can't quite achieve the complete wrap, do the best you can and you will see a big improvement every day.

The Elbow Tuck

I find these particular exercise results the most dramatic for adding power to your swing, especially for a struggling golfer. You will suddenly understand the feeling of leverage through the impact zone. Practice this off the course and the run through it several times in the moments before you start your pre-shot routine. Done right, it can dramatically improve the power you're currently getting from your swing.

Ultimately with this drill, I'm trying to teach you that your right elbow needs to be tucked in tight during your down stroke and kept close to your body during your turn.

Many of my students fail to pay attention to this critical aspect of their swing. Their elbow flies loose and away from the body and, in the end, they simply cannot generate the kind of power necessary to hit long crisp drives.

Use this drill to replicate what you should feel during your down swing and through the ball stages and develop the kind of strength, flexibility and "feel" to swing properly with power.

Practice this regularly on the driving range and off the course too. Use your left arm to pull your right humurus down and through.

Shoulder Stretches

Hold a club at both ends and pull it over your head (Fig. 6). This is a good stretch for both shoulders and upper chest and allows you to "fling" the club through the hitting zone. Do this as part of every preshot routine and as part of you're off the course exercises.

Another shoulder stretch (Fig. 5) focuses more intensely on the shoulders. Place an arm behind your head and try to run your hand down the center of your back. Add slight pressure to the elbow from your opposite hand to assist. Don't over do it, you only need slight pressure.

The Neck Crank

The neck crank (Fig. 7) is a great stretch to do while waiting for your turn to hit. It relieves the stress you may be carrying in your neck and shoulders because if your neck is too stiff, you simply can't reach your optimal backswing position.

Instead of letting the weight of your head alone stretch the neck; give it some gentle help by pulling down your head. Once again, be careful and don't do this or any stretching to the point of pain.

I personally recommend the Neck Crank as a warm up routine before a round and as a regular wake up exercise.

Forearm Stretch

The forearm Stretch (Fig. 8) is highly effective to keeping the tension out of the hands, wrists and forearms. You can perform this simple stretch by extending your arm out in front of you hand up, then using the other hand to pull back the fingers.

Always start slow; trying to perform these simple stretches everyday and you'll soon be stunned at how much extra power you'll have and how much farther you're hitting the ball off the tee!

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"I've made it my mission in life to provide golfers -- especially high handicappers -- the BEST information they can get to quickly start hitting with more power, authority and confidence for gorgeous long drives!"

-Doc O'Leary